
Composition Department

Provided qualifications and study plans

Provided subjects

Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
101CPPK1 Academic Publication / Conference Paper 1
Subject is not scheduled
101CPPK2 Academic Publication / Conference Paper 2
Subject is not scheduled
101PMHP1 Advanced Music Programming, Synthesis and Live Electronics 1 English, Czech Z 3 2PT+1CT
101PMHP2 Advanced Music Programming, Synthesis and Live Electronics 2 English, Czech Mon
ZK 3 2PT+1CT
101PMSP1 Advanced methods studio work for composer 1 Czech Z 2 2T
101PMSP2 Advanced methods studio work for composer 2 Czech ZK 2 2T
101PMSP3 Advanced methods studio work for composer 3 Czech Z 3 2T
101PMSP4 Advanced methods studio work for composer 4 Czech ZK 3 2T
101PTSK1 Advanced techniques of contemporary composition 1 English, Czech Z 3 2PT+1CT
101PTSK2 Advanced techniques of contemporary composition 2 English, Czech Thu
ZK 3 2PT+1CT
101MSIKP Auditory Illusions as a Compositional Device of Composer Czech 10:00–12:00
Z 1 2S
101ZAVT Basics of audiovisual equipment Czech Z 1 2T
101MSEJ Composer/ Artist as an Economic Unit of the Social System Czech 09:00–12:00
Orchestrální sál
Z 1 3P
101SL1 Composition 1 Czech Z 5 2T
101SKLA1 Composition 1
Czech Z 5 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101S0 Composition 10 Czech Z 10 3T
101SKLA0 Composition 10
English, Czech ZK 15 3CT Subject is not scheduled
101SL2 Composition 2 Czech ZK 5 2T
101SKLA2 Composition 2
Czech ZK 5 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101SL3 Composition 3 Czech Z 5 2T
101SKLA3 Composition 3
Czech Z 5 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101SL4 Composition 4 Czech ZK 5 2T
101SKLA4 Composition 4
Czech ZK 5 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101SL5 Composition 5 Czech Z 5 2T
101SKLA5 Composition 5
Czech Z 10 3CT Subject is not scheduled
101SL6 Composition 6 Czech Z 6 2T
101SKLA6 Composition 6
Czech Z 10 3CT Subject is not scheduled
101S7 Composition 7 Czech Z 5 3T
101SKLA7 Composition 7
English, Czech Z 7 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101S8 Composition 8 Czech ZK 5 3T
101SKLA8 Composition 8
English, Czech ZK 7 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101S9 Composition 9 Czech Z 10 3T
101SKLA9 Composition 9
English, Czech Z 15 3CT Subject is not scheduled
101KPEA1 Composition Practical of Electroaccoustic and Multimedia Music 1 Czech Z 3 2T
101KPEA2 Composition Practical of Electroaccoustic and Multimedia Music 2 Czech Fri
Učebna KS 1022
ZK 3 2T
101SSK1 Composition Seminar 1 Czech Z 2 2ST
101SSK0 Composition Seminar 10 English, Czech Thu
Z 2 2ST
101SSK2 Composition Seminar 2 Czech Thu
Z 2 2ST
101SSK3 Composition Seminar 3 Czech Z 2 2ST
101SSK4 Composition Seminar 4 Czech Thu
Z 2 2ST
101SSK5 Composition Seminar 5 Czech Z 2 2ST
101SSK6 Composition Seminar 6 Czech Thu
Z 2 2ST
101SSK7 Composition Seminar 7 English, Czech Z 2 2ST
101SSK8 Composition Seminar 8 English, Czech Thu
Z 2 2ST
101SSK9 Composition Seminar 9 English, Czech Z 2 2ST
101KT1 Composition music technique of the 20th century 1 Czech Z 3 3T
101KT2 Composition music technique of the 20th century 2 Czech Thu
ZK 3 3T
101KT3 Composition music technique of the 20th century 3 Czech Z 2 3T
101KT4 Composition music technique of the 20th century 4 Czech Thu
ZK 2 3T
186SSS1 Compositions Study for Composition 1 Czech Z 3 2T
186SSS2 Compositions Study for Composition 2 Czech Wed
Učebna 2057
ZK 3 2T
186SSS3 Compositions Study for Composition 3 Czech Z 2 2T
186SSS4 Compositions Study for Composition 4 Czech Mon
Učebna 2057
ZK 2 2T
186SSS5 Compositions Study for Composition 5 Czech Z 2 2T
186SSS6 Compositions Study for Composition 6 Czech Thu
Učebna 2057
ZK 2 2T
101DANA3 Conteporary Acousic Arts - history and analysis 3 Czech Z 3 2T
101DANA4 Conteporary Acousic Arts - history and analysis 4 Czech Mon
ZK 3 2T
101MAPS Copyright for 21st Century Composers Czech 09:00–12:00
Orchestrální sál
Z 1 3P
101TA-MAX Creative application program MAX/MSP
Czech Z 2 blok Subject is not scheduled
101KCOT Critical Textual Analysis
Subject is not scheduled
101MKCOT Critical reading Czech see detail Z 3 10S
101DS1 Diploma Seminar 1 Czech Z 2 1T
101DS2 Diploma Seminar 2 Czech Z 2 1T
101DS3 Diploma Seminar 3 Czech Z 3 2T
101DS4 Diploma Seminar 4 Czech Z 3 2T
101DISU1 Dissertation Artistic Work 1
Subject is not scheduled
101DISU2 Dissertation Artistic Work 2
Subject is not scheduled
101DISU3 Dissertation Artistic Work 3
Subject is not scheduled
101SDP1 Dissertation Seminar 1
Subject is not scheduled
101SDP2 Dissertation Seminar 2
Subject is not scheduled
101DIST1 Dissertation Thesis 1
Subject is not scheduled
101DIST2 Dissertation Thesis 2
Subject is not scheduled
101DIST3 Dissertation Thesis 3
Subject is not scheduled
101SSD1 Doctoral Composition Seminar 1
Subject is not scheduled
101SSD2 Doctoral Composition Seminar 2
Subject is not scheduled
101SSD3 Doctoral Composition Seminar 3
Subject is not scheduled
101PEAH1 Electro-acoustic Music Composition 1
Czech Subject is not scheduled
101PEAH2 Electro-acoustic Music Composition 2
Czech Subject is not scheduled
101ZEAK1 Fundamentals of Electro-acoustic Composition for jazz fields 1
Czech Z 1 1T Subject is not scheduled
101ZEAK2 Fundamentals of Electro-acoustic Composition for jazz fields 2 Czech ZK 1 1T
101ZNO Fundaments of Music Engraving
Czech Subject is not scheduled
101HK1 Historical Study Composition 1 Czech Z 3 1T
101HK2 Historical Study Composition 2 Czech ZK 3 1T
101HK3 Historical Study Composition 3 Czech Z 3 1T
101HK4 Historical Study Composition 4 Czech ZK 3 1T
101HKS5 Historical Study Composition 5 Czech Z 1 1T
101HKS6 Historical Study Composition 6 Czech Z 1 1T
101DAAU1 History and Analysis of Acoustic Arts I. 1
Czech Subject is not scheduled
101DAAU2 History and Analysis of Acoustic Arts I. 2
Czech Subject is not scheduled
101DAU1 History and Analysis of Acoustic Arts II. 1
English, Czech Z 2 2PT Subject is not scheduled
101DAU2 History and Analysis of Acoustic Arts II. 2
English, Czech ZK 2 2PT Subject is not scheduled
101DANA1 History and analysis of contemporary acoustic art 1 Czech Z 2 2T
101DANA2 History and analysis of contemporary acoustic art 2 Czech Fri
Učebna KS 1022
Z 2 2T
101IMPE Improvisation and Performance English, Czech ZK 2 15DS ZK 2 15DS
101IP Instrumental Training English, Czech Z 1 1CT Z 1 1CT
101IN1 Instrumentation 1 Czech Z 1 2T
101IN2 Instrumentation 2 Czech Tue
ZK 1 2T
101IN3 Instrumentation 3 Czech Z 1 2T
101IN4 Instrumentation 4 Czech Tue
ZK 1 2T
101IN5 Instrumentation 5 Czech Z 1 2T
101IN6 Instrumentation 6 Czech Z 1 2T
101INI1 Instrumentation I. 1 Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT
101INI2 Instrumentation I. 2 Czech Tue
ZK 3 1PT+1CT
101INI3 Instrumentation I. 3 Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT
101INI4 Instrumentation I. 4 Czech Tue
ZK 3 1PT+1CT
101ZAT1 Introduction to Audio-Visual Technology 1
Czech Z 1 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101ZAT2 Introduction to Audio-Visual Technology 2
Czech Z 1 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101UMAX Introduction to Max Programming English, Czech Mon
Učebna KS 1022
Z 1 1PT+1CT Z 1 1PT+1CT
101UHK1 Introduction to Music Composition 1 Czech Z 1 2T
101UDHK1 Introduction to Music Composition 1
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
101UHK2 Introduction to Music Composition 2 Czech Z 1 2T
101UDHK2 Introduction to Music Composition 2
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
101UHK3 Introduction to Music Composition 3 Czech Z 1 2T
101UDHK3 Introduction to Music Composition 3
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
101UHK4 Introduction to Music Composition 4 Czech Z 1 2T
101UDHK4 Introduction to Music Composition 4
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
101ZNOT Introduction to Music Notation
Czech Z 1 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101MUVT2 Introduction to vocal techniques 2 Czech 11:00–14:00
Z 1 3S
101MKS K. Stockhausen - Making Aus den sieben Tagen English 16:00–18:00
Z 1 2S
101SPD Lectures For Doctoral Students
Subject is not scheduled
101MMA Mark Andre - Author Lecture English 10:00–12:00
Galerie HAMU
Z 1 2S
101NS Music Notation Seminar
English, Czech Z 1 1ST Z 1 1ST Subject is not scheduled
101MSTH New Music for the Sixth-tone Harmonium English, Czech 10:00–13:00
Z 1 4S
101NTG1 Notation 1 Czech Z 1 2T
101NTG2 Notation 2 Czech Wed
Učebna KS 1022
Z 1 2T
101INII1 Orchestration II. 1 English, Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT
101INII2 Orchestration II. 2 English, Czech Tue
ZK 3 1PT+1CT
101IPPD1 Orchestration for Conducting Programme 1
Czech Z 2 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101IPPD2 Orchestration for Conducting Programme 2
Czech ZK 2 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101IPPD3 Orchestration for Conducting Programme 3
Czech Z 2 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101IPPD4 Orchestration for Conducting Programme 4
Czech ZK 2 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101KP Piano Training
English, Czech Z 1 1CT Z 1 1CT Subject is not scheduled
101PS1 Project Seminar 1 English, Czech Z 2 12DS
101PS2 Project Seminar 2 English, Czech Z 2 14DS
180VP1 Public presentation 1
Czech Z 5 Z 5 Subject is not scheduled
180VP2 Public presentation 2
Czech Z 5 Z 5 Subject is not scheduled
101MRMW Roscoe Mitchell - lecture/workshop English 18:00–20:00
Z 1 2S
101HP1 Scores Play 1 Czech Z 1 1T
101HP2 Scores Play 2 Czech Z 1 1T
101INF1 Scoring for Film Music 1 English, Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT
101INF2 Scoring for Film Music 2 English, Czech ZK 3 1PT+1CT
180SPS Seminar work (Compostiion)
Czech Z 3 Z 3 Subject is not scheduled
101SFHU1 Stage and Film Music 1 Czech Z 2 2T
101SFHU2 Stage and Film Music 2 Czech Tue
Učebna KS 1022
ZK 2 2T
101SFHU3 Stage and Film Music 3 Czech Z 2 2T
101SFHU4 Stage and Film Music 4 Czech Mon
ZK 2 2T
101SFIH1 Stage and Film Music I. 1
Czech Z 2 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101SFIH2 Stage and Film Music I. 2
Czech ZK 2 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101SFHI1 Stage and Film Music II. 1
English, Czech Z 2 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101SFHI2 Stage and Film Music II. 2
English, Czech ZK 2 2CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS1 Studies in Historical Composition 1
Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS0 Studies in Historical Composition 10
English, Czech ZK 2 1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS2 Studies in Historical Composition 2
Czech ZK 3 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS3 Studies in Historical Composition 3
Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS4 Studies in Historical Composition 4
Czech ZK 3 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS5 Studies in Historical Composition 5
Czech Z 3 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS6 Studies in Historical Composition 6
Czech ZK 3 1PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS7 Studies in Historical Composition 7
English, Czech Z 2 1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS8 Studies in Historical Composition 8
English, Czech ZK 2 1CT Subject is not scheduled
101HIKS9 Studies in Historical Composition 9
English, Czech Z 2 1CT Subject is not scheduled
101KTXX1 Techniques of 20th Century Composition 1
Czech Z 3 2PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101KTXX2 Techniques of 20th Century Composition 2
Czech ZK 3 2PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101KTXX3 Techniques of 20th Century Composition 3
Czech Z 3 2PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101KTXX4 Techniques of 20th Century Composition 4
Czech ZK 3 2PT+1CT Subject is not scheduled
101MUIB2 The Art of Byzantine Music Interpretation 2 Czech 09:00–16:00
Z 1 5S
101ISH The Interpretation of the contemporary Music - practice Czech Mon
Z 2 2/LT Z 2 2/LT
101MAAA2 The acoustic and amplified accordionm 2nd modul English, Czech 12:30–14:30
Učebna KS 1022
Z 1 2S
101TFHS1 Theory of Film Music and Soundtracks 1 Czech Z 3 2T
101TFHS2 Theory of Film Music and Soundtracks 2 Czech ZK 3 2T
101TFHS3 Theory of Film Music and Soundtracks 3 Czech Z 3 2T
101TFHS4 Theory of Film Music and Soundtracks 4 Czech Z 3 2T
101DIS1 Thesis Preparation Seminar I. 1
Czech Z 2 1ST Subject is not scheduled
101DIS2 Thesis Preparation Seminar I. 2
Czech Z 2 1ST Subject is not scheduled
101DISE1 Thesis Preparation Seminar II. 1
English, Czech Z 2 1ST Subject is not scheduled
101DISE2 Thesis Preparation Seminar II. 2
English, Czech Z 2 1ST Subject is not scheduled
101MSTEM Timber Studies English 10:00–13:00
Z 1 4S