Modules for Erasmus

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Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
300MDCHM Cinematographer Days David Chambille Masterclass English Z 1 30SS
303MCAF Czech Amateur film – a cultural phenomenon Czech 10:00–17:00
Projection Room
Z 1 7SS
300MVD Development workshop English 14:00–17:00
Room No. 6
Z 1 18PS
300MUNF Filming The Unfilmable English 14:00–17:00
Room No. 6
Z 1 24PS
303MZOM Fundamentals of organization of the material in the cutting room Czech see detail Z 1 7SS
300MUAC Important Events of Ukrainian Cinema Czech 16:00–17:30
Room No. 4
Z 1 16PS
303MIMRK Intuitive wisdom and development creativity
Czech Z 1 10SS Subject is not scheduled
300MBDPM Mentoring programme with Bruno Dumont film screenings and masterclasses English, Czech see detail Z 2 60SS
311MMAD Modul - My sunny Mad - Michaela Pavlátová English 12:00–15:30
Projection Room
Z 1 4PS
307EPC2 Picture and its context 2 English Thu
Projection Room
Z 2 2T
300MRNP Respect All the Way English, Czech see detail Z 1 30SS Z 1 30SS
300MSDF Screenwriting and Dramaturgy in Film and Television Czech 14:00–15:30
Room No. 4
Z 1 16PS
300MITS To Infect with The Story English 09:00–17:00
Room No. 4
Z 1 8PT