To Infect with The Story

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300MITS zápočet 1 8 hodiny PŘEDNÁŠEK týdně (45 minut), -59 až -54 hodin domácí příprava!!! anglicky letní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


This workshop is focused on exploring and developing student‘s understanding how to deliver idea using standart stages of completing idea in professioanl industry. Such tolls as: logline and synopsis. They will get knoweleges of the main stucture of the script, its dramatic ellements and will get practice on pitching of their ideas.

Recommended or required watching:

Captain Philips (2013), written by Billy Ray, directed by Paul Greengrass and Thelma and Louise (1991), written by Callie Khouri, directed by Ridley Scott.

During the first part of the day, we will work over analysing film Captain Philips, creating its logline and synopsis.

At the second part of the workshop students will have to write the logline and synopsis for their ideas, they can do it both in groups and individually (the choice will be up to students).

Plan of the workshop:


  1. First part of the day:

1.1 Who am I? Differece between scriptwriter, scriptwriter-author, scriptwriter-director, showrunner.

1.2 The beginnig of the script writer’s journey: logline, synopsis, treatment, script – what is the differents between those forms and what are demands to each of this form. Why do we need them and can we skip any of them or not?

1.3 The drama script classical structure.

Based on this classical structure analising of two films (student watched previously – Telma and Louise and Captain Philips).

1.4 Work in the groups (or individually): Creating logline and synopsis of the film Captain Philips

1.5 Work in the groups (or individually): Creating logline and synopsis of the film Thelma and Louise.

Depending on the quantity of the people, we will see, maybe part will do Thelma and Louise and other part will do Captain Philips.

  1. Second part of the day:

2.1 Where to take inspiration and how to find the subject. I have idea? What is next?

2.2 Elevator pitch

2.3 Presentation (example of the presentation of the film in development). Why do we need it?

Work in the groups (or individually):

Writing logline and synopsis for the own idea.

Prepare for the elevator pitch.

Pitching of the ideas by the students in front of the auditorium, like in front of the imaginary fund that supports development.

2.4 Apps, programs and tools that will help to write scripts.

2.5 Q&A

Výsledky učení

Students will develop understanding of the drama script structure. Will create ideas in the groups or individualy (this will depend on their choice). Will write the logline and synopsis and later it will be up to them will they develop those ideas into the treatment and script or not. They will get knowelege on how to create an elevator pitch, what do they need it for. And get understanding what is the diffrence between logline, synopsis, treatment, bible and the script. Will practice to pitch their ideas.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

Needed projector to put the presentation at. And students will need their laptops or pens and papers for practical tasks.

Students will be expected to contribute to in-class discussions as this forms part of overall grading considerations. They will have to pitch their ideas in front of the group.


Before the workshop on home work basis students to have watch film Captain Philips (2013), written by Billy Ray, directed by Paul Greengrass and Thelma and Louise (1991), written by Callie Khouri, directed by Ridley Scott.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

The assesment will be activity and written logline and synopsis.

To complete the workshop, a student must comply with the written logline and synopsis for the Captain Philips and Thelma and/or Louisa movies and logline and synopsis of their own ideas.

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