Montage workshop 1

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306MW1 zápočet 4 52 hodiny výuky za celý semestr (45 minut), 61 až 81 hodin domácí příprava anglicky zimní

Garant předmětu


Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



The workshop should accentuate the open form of thinking about film and through the film, namely video and audio, monitor their relationships (not only) with an emphasis on editing and the open-form sequence-shot film.

The workshop is defined space-time in which students receive pedagogical leadership not only in school exercises and work on their studies, but also in the wider framework of their future profession. Based on theoretical and practical reflections on specific topics builds a method of specific „film“ thinking.


1•Short overview of diverse styles of films and filmmakers from different periods and countries

2•Overview of the film elements of an introduction to narrative theory in films

3•Difference between STORY and TOPIC in films. Different types of narrative and narrators. How the story is expressed by characters - setting - events

4•Review of different editing techniques and their dramatic value

5•Kuleshov Effect – Context Creates Meaning

Key words: Topic, Direction, Critical thinking, Analogy, Situation, Character, Storyboard, Filmmaking, Film language, Kuleshov Effect, Interpretation

Editing exercise: The Chase: One character chasing another. Students learn how to effectively show time and space relations.

Photoplay exercise: A photoplay consisting of 12 – 15 photographs. Student should demonstrate the ability to tell a simple story in images. Each image represents a shot in a silent movie and their order should be marked on the back side of the photographs. Each should capture a characteristic moment of the assumed shot regarding content and composition. If the content or composition of the shot changes significantly, 2 pictures are required – one representing the opening phase and the second one the closing phase (pictures should be marked 2, 2a, etc.) A simple plot outline should be attached to the photoplay – but it should of course be comprehensible without it too. Because the content, composition and structuring of the photoplay are assessed, it is required that the student takes the pictures by himself. It will be considered the rule of 180 degree.

Výsledky učení

Successful implementation of all group and study exercises. Gathering of knowledge from the workshop program.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

Readiness to devote the maximum of one's time and energy to the successful mastery of challenging tasks arising from the implementation of the practical exercises.


Silman-James Pr; 2. revised edition (2001),

ISBN-10: 1879505622 | ISBN-13: 978-1879505629, 148 pages

The Technique of Film Editing

Compiled by Karel Reisz, Gavin Millar Editioni llustrated Publisher Focal Press, 2010 ISBN 0240521854, 9780240521855 Length 346 pages

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Completion of a film and submitted explication



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