Documentary Photography 1

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EDOP1 zkouška 2 26 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ za celý semestr (45 minut), 31 až 41 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


The course focuses on the display, reproduction and dissemination of works of art with a focus on the representation of cultural events in the field of visual culture. The student gains skills and specific experience in the way of capturing the different typological branches in the visual arts and how to finalize them in relation to the target presentation platform.

Major topics:

1/ introduction to the issues of imaging and reproduction of works of art in a historical context

2/ contemporary information dissemination of works of art - catalogues, on-line presentations, social networks, web presentation

3/ scanning of 2D objects - painting, graphics - practical demonstrations in NG Prague, practical task

4/ scanning 3 D objects - sculpture, sculpture in gallery environment - theoretical basis, demonstration + practical task

5/ scanning 3 D objects in the studio - theoretical basis, demonstration + practical task

6/ shooting art in public space and outdoors - practical exercise

7/ presentation of own artistic work - joint consultation

8/ principles of post-production and data requirements in relation to the target presentation platform, specifics of the reference photo

9/ performance recording - history, specifics, practical exercise

10, 11/ work on a comprehensive representation of the exhibition with web output and preparation for print

12/ evaluation in the form of joint consultation

Výsledky učení

The student masters the requirements for the reproduction of works of art due to their nature. The student is able to select and edit reproduction photographs for a specified purpose.

Předpoklady a další požadavky




Vladimír 518, Tomáš Souček: Strains

Tomas Pospiszyl: Intruders and Herons

Pavlína Morganová: Exhibition as a medium

Petra Matějovičová: Eva Eisler

David Fesl, Isabella Grosse: After Life Exhibitions

Karel Herčík: Stone Heritage


Collective of authors: monuments of Prague

Bystander-the history of street photography


Photography between Advertising

Art and the Cinema

Fotograf magazine

Pátek, Jiří, Vančát, Pavel (eds.): Jan Svoboda: I am not a photographer

Vančát, Pavel: Jan Svoboda, Prague, Torst, 2011,

Photographic publications from the Torst publishing house - editing Fototorst and others outside the Kant publishing house

Storytelling for Photojournalists: Reportage and Documentary Photography Techniques

Current exhibition catalogues

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Regular participation in all course activities (attendance of at least 80%), regular completion of assigned topics and submission of results for consultation.



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