Photography of Architecture 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EPHA2 zkouška 2 39 hodiny CVIČENÍ za celý semestr (45 minut), 21 až 31 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


The course aims to introduce students to the problems of architectural representation with the requirement of a thorough penetration into the characteristics of a particular historical table or style. The course is designed as a combination of theoretical introduction, practical demonstrations, sharing of inspirational resources and independent creative and research work. In the practical part, the student will choose one building to photograph with respect to the assignment. The output of the course is a minimum of 12 photographs, which can be arranged in the form of a catalogue. The course develops a specific professional specialisation and the consistent acquisition of knowledge and experience will help the student to succeed in the job market.

Main topics (syllabus) of the course by week

1 - 2/ Theoretical introduction to the topic, historical architectural styles in Prague, examples of workmanship, sources of inspiration, choice of topic

3/ Consultation of the project including preview photographs

4 - 6/ Elaboration of the theme of the chosen style, proofreading, joint and individual consultations

7 - 9/ Elaboration of details of the chosen building, proofreading, joint and individual consultations

10 - 12/ Finalisation of the project, selection, arrangement, layout of exhibition, presentation or catalogue layout

Výsledky učení

The student perceives architecture as an important and remarkable part of the environment of human settlements. He/she is oriented in its development, history of representation, is aware of its importance and purpose. He/she can perfectly process a selected architectural object and organize the results of his/her work into a representative format.

Předpoklady a další požadavky




Kehrer Verlag: Guido Guidi: Le Corbusier, 5 Architectures, Kehrer Heidelberg Berlin, 2018

Becher Bernd, Becher Hilla: Typologies of Industrial Buildings, MIT, 2004

Lichtenstein Therese: Image Building – how Photography Transforms Architecture, Prestel, 2018

Gossel Peter: Bauhaus, Taschen, 2015

Campbell Hugh: Space Framed - Photography, Architecture and the Social Landscape, Lund Humphiers Publisher, 2020

Cole Steve: Photographing Historic Buildings, Historic England, 2017


Thom Wayne: Photographing the Late Modern, Monacelli Press, 2022

Lukeš Zdeněk, Havlová Ester: Czech Architectural Cubism, Galerie Jaroslava Frágnera, 2010

Frampton Keneth: Other Modern Movement: Architecture, 1920–1970, Yale University Press, 2022

Becher Bernhard and Hilla: Anonyme Skulpturen - A Typology of technical constructions, George Wittenborn, Inc., red. 2014

Attali Erieta: Architecture Photography, ArchiTangle GmbH, 2020

Havran Jiří: From Architecture - Photography 2009-2012, Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, 2018

Grospierre Nicolas: Modern Spaces: A Subjective Atlas of 20th-Century Interiors, Prestel, 2018

Phipps Simon, Stadler Hilar, Hertach Andreas: Finding Brutalism - A Photographic Survey of Post-War British Architecture, Park Books, 2017

Zimmerman Claire: Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century

University of Minnesota Press, 2014

Schulz Adrian: Architectural Photography, 3rd Edition, Rocky Nook, 2015

Jodidio Philipp: Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979-Today, Taschen, 2020 Edition

MacCarthy Fiona: Walter Gropius, Faber & Faber, 2020

Weston Richard: Architecture Visionaries, Laurence King Publishing, 2015

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

80% attendance, timely and complete completion of assignments, completion of Photography of Architecture 1



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