Required Elective Courses Montage

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
311CID1 Cinemadance 1 English Z 3 50CS winter
311CID2 Cinemadance 2 English see detail Z 3 50CS summer
311CIN Cinematographer's Influence
English ZK 2 2T winter and summer Subject is not scheduled
311CIRM Circulating within The Modern Cinematic Image English ZK 3 4T winter
311CIRP Circulating within The Postmodern Cinematic Image English Tue
Projection Room
ZK 3 4T summer
311FFHT1 Focus on Film History and Theory 1 English ZK 2 3T winter
311AF History of Avant-garde Film
English ZK 3 28S summer Subject is not scheduled
306SE Sound Editing English ZK 2 26S winter and summer
311FSPA The History of Film Space English Tue
Room No. 1
ZK 2 2T summer
306SW1 Workshop Collaboration 1 Czech Z 4 6/s winter and summer
306SW2 Workshop Collaboration 2 Czech Z 4 6/s winter and summer