Simplified study plan Organ (Bc)

Keyboard Instruments Department

Study programme: Art of Music
Study of qualification: Organ

Study type: Bachelor's Programme

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
108RS1 Compositions Analysis 1 Z 5
702HAOU1 English for Students of Music and Dance 1 ZK 3
104IMP1 Improvisation (Organ) 1 Z 1
108DHU1 Music History 1 Z 4
104VA1 Organ Playing 1 Z 13
104SVA1 Organ Seminar 1 Z 2
Required courses credits 28
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU
Select from the group Selected Topics in Organ (Bc) - elective
Select from the group Foreign language - elective

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
108RS2 Compositions Analysis 2 ZK 5
702HAOU2 English for Students of Music and Dance 2 ZK 3
104IMP2 Improvisation (Organ) 2 ZK 1
108DHU2 Music History 2 ZK 4
104VAR2 Organ Playing 2 ZK 14
104SVA2 Organ Seminar 2 Z 2
Required courses credits 29
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU
Select from the group Selected Topics in Organ (Bc) - elective
Select from the group Foreign language - elective


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 3
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
104IB1 Baroque Music Interpretation 1 Z 1
108RS3 Compositions Analysis 3 Z 5
104IMP3 Improvisation (Organ) 3 Z 1
108DHU3 Music History 3 Z 4
104ORG1 Organology 1(Organ) Z 1
104VAR3 Organ Playing 3 Z 11
104SVA3 Organ Seminar 3 Z 2
Required courses credits 25
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
108PTKP Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses Z 1
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU
Select from the group Selected Topics in Organ (Bc) - elective
Select from the group Foreign language - elective
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
104IB2 Baroque Music Interpretation 2 ZK 1
108RS4 Compositions Analysis 4 ZK 5
104KP1 Concert Practice - Keyboard Instruments 1 Z 1
104IMP4 Improvisation (Organ) 4 ZK 1
108DHU4 Music History 4 ZK 4
104ORG2 Organology 2 (Organ) Z 1
104VAR4 Organ Playing 4 ZK 12
104SVA4 Organ Seminar 4 Z 2
Required courses credits 27
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
108PTKP Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses Z 1
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU
Select from the group Selected Topics in Organ (Bc) - elective
Select from the group Foreign language - elective
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 8
Total number of credits per grade 60

3rd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
104IB3 Baroque Music Interpretation 3 Z 1
108HES1 Music Aesthetics 1 Z 5
108DHU5 Music History 5 ZK 4
104DVA1 Organ Literature and History 1 Z 2
104VAR5 Organ Playing 5 Z 15
104SVA5 Organ Seminar 5 Z 2
Required courses credits 29
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
108PTKP Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses Z 1
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Theoretical Foundation (Bc) - required elective for the 3rd year of studies Z 1
Select from the group Modules for HAMU
Select from the group Selected Topics in Organ (Bc) - elective
Select from the group Foreign language - elective
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
104IB4 Baroque Music Interpretation 4 ZK 1
104KP2 Concert Practice - Keyboard Instruments 2 Z 1
108HES2 Music Aesthetics 2 ZK 5
104DVA2 Organ Literature and History 2 Z 2
104VA6 Organ Playing 6 Z 17
104SVA6 Organ Seminar 6 Z 2
Required courses credits 28
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Theoretical Foundation (Bc) - required elective for the 3rd year of studies ZK 1
Select from the group Modules for HAMU
Select from the group Selected Topics in Organ (Bc) - elective
Select from the group Foreign language - elective


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 3
Total number of credits per grade 60