Simplified study plan Dance Pedagogy (BA - part time) Modern and Contemporary Dance

Dance Department

Study programme: Dance Education
Specialization: Modern and Contemporary Dance

Study type: Bachelor's Programme part-time

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
107KZPP1 Basics of Physical Training 1 Z 2
107KHVR1 Basics of Voice Training and Rhetoric 1 Z 2
702HAOU1 English for Students of Music and Dance 1 ZK 3
107KDTH1 History and Theory of Music 1 Z 2
107KUTP1 Introduction to Dance Education 1 Z 4
107KKIN1 Kinesology 1 Z 2
107KMST1 Modern and Contemporary Dance 1 Z 4
107KPPR1 Pedagogical pre-seminar 1 Z 4
107KPP1 Pedagogical Psychology 1 Z 3
107KPDT1 Survey of History of Dance and Ballet 1 Z 4
Required courses credits 30
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
107KZPP2 Basics of Physical Training 2 Z 2
107KHVR2 Basics of Voice Training and Rhetoric 2 Z 2
702HAOU2 English for Students of Music and Dance 2 ZK 3
107KDTH2 History and Theory of Music 2 ZK 2
107KUTP2 Introduction to Dance Education 2 ZK 4
107KKIN2 Kinesology 2 Z 2
107KMST2 Modern and Contemporary Dance 2 ZK 4
107KPPR2 Pedagogical pre-seminar 2 ZK 4
107KPP2 Pedagogical Psychology 2 ZK 3
107KPDT2 Survey of History of Dance and Ballet 1 ZK 4
Required courses credits 30
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 0
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
107KZCH1 Basics of Choreography for Dance Pedagogy 1 Z 2
107KTVD1 Dance Education for Children 1 Z 3
107KTI1 Dance Improvisation 1 Z 2
107KTM1 Dance medicine 1 Z 2
107KMMT1 Didactics and Methodology for Modern and Contemporary Dance 1 Z 4
107KDXX History of 20th Century Ballet ZK 3
107KDBC1 History of Dance and Ballet in Bohemia 1 Z 4
107KHXX1 Music for Dance in 20th and 21st Century 1 Z 2
107KSMT1 Pedagogical Seminar for Modern and Contemporary Dance 1 Z 4
107KDUT The Arts History for Dance Professions Z 2
Required courses credits 28
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
107KZTE Basic of Dance Aesthetics Z 2
107KZCH2 Basics of Choreography for Dance Pedagogy 2 ZK 2
107KTVD2 Dance Education for Children 2 Z 3
107KTI2 Dance Improvisation 2 Z 2
107KTM2 Dance medicine 2 ZK 2
107KMMT2 Didactics and Methodology for Modern and Contemporary Dance 2 ZK 4
107KDBC2 History of Dance and Ballet in Bohemia 2 ZK 4
107KMTS Modern Dance Schools ZK 3
107KHXX2 Music for Dance in 20th and 21st Century 2 ZK 2
107KSMT2 Pedagogical Seminar for Modern and Contemporary Dance 2 Z 4
Required courses credits 28
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 4
Total number of credits per grade 60

3rd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
107KPBP1 Bachelor Preparatory Work 1 Z 10
107KTPD1 Basics of Dance Production and Dramaturgy 1 Z 2
107KTPR1 Dance after 1945 1 Z 3
107KPMT1 Dance Partnering in Modern and Contemporary Dance 1 Z 2
107KMMT3 Didactics and Methodology for Modern and Contemporary Dance 3 Z 4
107KSMT3 Pedagogical Seminar for Modern and Contemporary Dance 3 Z 4
Required courses credits 25
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
107KPBP2 Bachelor Preparatory Work 1 Z 10
107KTPD2 Basics of Dance Production and Dramaturgy 2 Z 2
107KTPR2 Dance after 1945 2 ZK 3
107KPMT2 Dance Partnering in Modern and Contemporary Dance 2 Z 2
107KMMT4 Didactics and Methodology for Modern and Contemporary Dance 4 ZK 4
107KSMT4 Pedagogical Seminar for Modern and Contemporary Dance 4 Z 4
Required courses credits 25
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Modules for HAMU


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 10
Total number of credits per grade 60