Pitching 2

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303P2 zápočet 2 28 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ za celý semestr (45 minut), 29 až 39 hodin domácí příprava anglicky letní

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Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



Předmět zajišťuje Katedra dokumentární tvorby


Every filmmaker, particularly those without the resources to produce their films independently, is inevitably faced with the necessity of presenting ideas to other people. Understanding how to articulate your vision compellingly and professionally can be the key to unlocking funding, partnerships, and critical industry connections.

This seminar is designed to empower documentary film students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate the competitive landscape of international pitching forums, while remaining true to their artistic essence and the essence of their subjects. Over the course of five sessions, students will learn theoretical knowledge and get practical training in the art of crafting and presenting their pitches. They will gain insight into the unique contexts of these events, from both the presenter's and the expert panel's viewpoints to understand the benefits and drawbacks of participating in pitching forums. Additionally, they'll have the opportunity to observe and learn from filmmakers presenting at the East Doc Platform, drawing strategies from their experiences.

Session Breakdown:

Session 1: Introduction to Documentary Pitching (12. 2. 2025, 16:30-18:55 in room 211)

oOverview of documentary pitching: its importance and role in the documentary filmmaking process.

oPros and cons of participating in pitching forums like: access to funding, networking opportunities, industry exposure versus potential impact on creative process, timing challenges and extra costs.

oIntroduction to various pitching forums and their specific requirements.

oAnalysis of recordings of real-life pitches

Session 2: Practicing Film Presentations – part 1 (26. 2. 2025, 16:30-18:55 in room 211)

oTurning an idea into a pitchable story:

-understanding your audience and tailoring your pitch accordingly

-presentation skills: voice, body language, and visual aids

-writing effective loglines and synopses

-preparation of video materials - demos and trailers

-handling questions and feedback effectively, follow-up strategies.

oStudents will practice presenting their film projects in diverse formats (e.g., elevator pitches, formal forum presentations).

oInitial peer-to-peer feedback sessions focusing on identifying each presentation's strengths.

Session 3: Practicing Film Presentations – part 2 (12. 3. 2025, 16:30-18:55 in room 211)

oContinuing the practice of film presentations in varied formats, with a deeper focus on refining the presentation structure and style.

oStudents can incorporate feedback from Part 1 and pitch the projects again.

Session 4: Visit to the East Doc Platform (18. 3. 2024, 9:00-16:00, place to be confirmed later)

oObservation of live pitching sessions at EDP Forum.

oMeeting with professionals, gaining insights.

oReflective discussion on the experience.

Session 5: Czech Television Pitching (26. 3. 2025, 16:30-18:55, Czech TV, Na Hřebenech II 1132/4 140 70 Praha 4 - Kavčí hory)

oMeeting with Ivana Pauerová, Head of Projects for creative docs, series in co- production and in-house production.

oStudents present their pitches.

oDiscussion about the role of pitching in Czech TV.

Session 6: Pitching Forum Simulation and Feedback (9. 4. 2025, 16:30-18:55 in room 211)

oStudents present their pitches in a simulated environment.

oFeedback from a guest (industry professional).

oReview and discussion on pitches, focusing on strengths and areas for improvement.

Výsledky učení

•Familiarity with European Documentary Pitching Forums: Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the map of documentary pitching forums, recognizing the vast opportunities that international presentation of a film offers.

•Critical Thinking Regarding Expectations and International Contexts: Students will be equipped to critically analyze their expectations and the context of international film events, understanding how these factors can influence their documentary projects. Students will also improve the ability to assess the international potential of their film projects.

•Articulating Artistic Vision and Film Topic: Students will improve their skills in conveying their artistic vision and the subject of their film. This objective focuses on guiding them through the essentials of structured presentations, including the effective showcasing of material excerpts (scenes or trailers, but also logline, synopsis, treatment, film budget).

•Gaining Practical Pitching Experience and Observational Insights: Students will engage in creating and presenting documentary pitches, using constructive feedback from industry professionals and peers, along with observing real-world pitching scenarios, to gain practical insights and understand industry norms.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

This course is a continuation of the multi-departmental course 305P1 „Pitching 1 - KP“.ˇ

Students should come prepared with a documentary project/idea (in development or production stage) they are passionate about, which they will develop into a pitch over the course of the seminar.


KURZ, Sibylle. Pitch it! NAMU, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7331-284-8.







Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

100% participation and activity at the seminar. Evaluation will be based on the final pitch presentation, improvement over the course, and participation in discussions and peer feedback.


•Collaboration with Producers: Although this seminar is primarily designed for documentary film students, it is highly recommended that they invite their fellow producers with whom they are currently collaborating on a film project. Given that pitching, much like filmmaking, is often a collaborative effort, having producers involved can enrich the pitching process.

•Registration for East Doc Platform: Students and their producer colleagues must register for the East Doc Platform. This will enable them to participate in the pitching sessions and take advantage of networking opportunities and other resources. Registration details will be provided at the first seminar.

•Guests: Industry professionals, including experienced documentary filmmakers and representatives from pitching forums, will provide valuable insights and feedback. One of them will be invited to participate in the final pitching forum simulation.

Proficiency in the English language is required.

Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2024/2025:

Rozvrh zatím není připraven

Rozvrh na letní semestr 2024/2025:

místnost 211
Sborovna KDT 211

(Lažanský palác)

(paralelka 1)
12.2., 26.2., 12.3., 9.4. v učebně KDT 211 + 26.3. v ČT + 18.3. na East Doc Platform

Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky
St 16:30–18:55 Tomáš POTOČNÝ Sborovna KDT 211
Lažanský palác
12.2., 26.2., 12.3., 9.4. v učebně KDT 211 + 26.3. v ČT + 18.3. na East Doc Platform paralelka 1

Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů