Anthropolgy of Dance 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
107TA2 | exam | 3 | 2 lecture hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 54 to 69 hours of self-study | Czech | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
The subject provides Dance Department
The presentation proceeds through the following topics:
- Evolutionism and the beginnings of anthropological thought
- European sources of anthropological culture theory - E. Durkheim, M. Mauss, Body theory
- Ameircan cultural anthropology - F. Boas, configurationism of R. Benedikt
- Functionalism - B. Malinowski, Franziska Boas - The function of dance
- Structuralism - C. Levi-Strauss, linguistic theory and semiotics - F. de Saussure, N. Chomsky, Dance as a subject of semiotic study
- Interpretive and post-structuralistic anthropology - C. Geertz
- Forming the Dance Anthropology discipline - history, theory, methodology
- Subject of Dance Anthropology study
Learning outcomes
The purpose of the lectures is to understand dance in a cultural and social context. This is a holistic approach to the study of dance where this phenomenon is traced not only as a physical product but, in particular, a cultural process and a particular manner of social activity. The aim of the course is field research focused on tracing various socio-cultural environments. In these contexts dance has an irreplaceable role. The importance in interest, social, ethnic or other group systems are researched and attention is devoted to its cognitive and symbolic dimensions.
Prerequisites and other requirements
No requirements. A good bearing in folkdance issues and dance research is expected.
Robert F. Murphy: Úvod do kulturní a sociální antropologie. Slon: Praha 1998.
Soukup, Václav: Přehled antropologických teorií kultury. Portál: Praha 2000.
Stavělová, Daniela: Jak se dnes v Čechách tancuje. Otázky taneční antropologie. Národopisná revue 13, 2003, č. 2, s. 67 - 69.
Stavělová, Daniela: Člověk tančící. O potřebě tance ve společnosti. Taneční listy 37, 2000, č. 4, s. 16 - 17.
Frazer, James George: Zlatá ratolest. Mladá fronta: Praha 1994.
Mauss, Marcel: Esej o daru, podobě a důvodech směny v archaických společnostech. Sociologické nakladatelství: Praha 1999.
Mauss, Marcel: Les techiques du corps. Journal de psychologie 32, 1935, č. 3 - 4, s. 271 - 293.
Boas, Franziska: The Function of Dance in Human Society. Dance Horizons: New York 1972
Benedictová, Ruth: Kulturní vzorce. Argo: Praha 1999.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude: Myšlení přírodních národů. Dauphin: Praha 1996.
Geertz, Clifford: Interpretace kultur. Slon: Praha 2000.
Evaluation methods and criteria
Credit is awarded based on: activity in lecture
Conditions for successfull completion of the course: oral exam.
In the 2010/2011 academic year this course is not scheduled.
Schedule for winter semester 2024/2025:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2024/2025:
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Date | Day | Time | Tutor | Location | Notes | No. of paralel |
Tue | 12:30–14:00 | Daniela STAVĚLOVÁ | computer's classroom Hartig Palace |
lecture parallel1 |
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Choreography (Bc) from 2022/23 (Elective subjects)
- Choreography (Bc) from 2022/23 (Elective subjects)
- Choreografie - Choreografie a režie (Mg) od 2022/23 (Required elective subjects)
- Choreografie (Mg) - Choreografie a režie - SP na dostudování od 2024/25 (Required elective subjects)
- Choreografie - Taneční produkce a organizace (Mg) - od 2022/23 (Required elective subjects)
- Dance Theory (MA) - from 2022/23 (Required subjects with the possibility of repeat registration)