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Study plan Directing and Dramaturgy for Dramatic Theatre (B.A.) – 3rd year

Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Dramaturgy 201DTV5 ZK 5 4T 201DTV6 ZK 5 4T
Directing 201RTO5 ZK 5 4T 201RTO6 ZK 5 4T
Work on Stage 201SCV3 ZK 8 8T 201SCV4 ZK 10 8T
Minimal number of credits per semester 18 20
Required subjects
History, Theory and Practice of Czech Theatre Criticism 201HKR1 Z 2 2T 201HKR2 ZK 2 2T
Oborová praxe 201OPR2 Z 4 40S 201OPR2 Z 4 40S
Translating Seminar 201PKS1 Z 2 2T 201PKS2 ZK 2 2T
Course of the Year DDT 201RRD4 Z 1 16S
Radio Work 201ROZ1 Z 2 2T 201ROZ2 Z 2 2T
Minimal number of credits per semester 6 7
Total number of set credits 24 27
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 6 3
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30

Subjects of profiling base

Subject Type During final examination the following will be evaluated
Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 (207ZDP1) BS Bachelor's thesis
Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 (207ZDP2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 5 (201RTO5) PS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 5 (201RTO5) PS Graduate performance
Directing 6 (201RTO6) PS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 6 (201RTO6) PS Graduate performance
Work on Stage 1 (201SCV1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Work on Stage 1 (201SCV1) PS Graduate performance
Work on Stage 2 (201SCV2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Work on Stage 2 (201SCV2) PS Graduate performance
Work on Stage 3 (201SCV3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Work on Stage 3 (201SCV3) PS Graduate performance
Work on Stage 4 (201SCV4) PS Bachelor's thesis
Work on Stage 4 (201SCV4) PS Graduate performance
Theory and Practice of Dramatic Theatre 1 (201TPI1) BS Bachelor's thesis
Theory and Practice of Dramatic Theatre 2 (201TPI2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 3 (201RTO3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 3 (201RTO3) PS Graduate performance
Directing 4 (201RTO4) PS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 4 (201RTO4) PS Graduate performance
The History of Czech Theatre 1 (201DVC1) BS Bachelor's thesis
The History of Czech Theatre 2 (201DVC2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Western Theatre History 1 (201DVS1) BS Bachelor's thesis
Western Theatre History 2 (201DVS2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Theory and Practice of Stage Language 1 (201TPJ1) BS Bachelor's thesis
Theory and Practice of Stage Language 2 (201TPJ2) BS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 1 (201DTV1) PS Graduate performance
Dramaturgy 1 (201DTV1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 2 (201DTV2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 2 (201DTV2) PS Graduate performance
Dramaturgy 3 (201DTV3) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 3 (201DTV3) PS Graduate performance
Dramaturgy 4 (201DTV4) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 4 (201DTV4) PS Graduate performance
Dramaturgy 5 (201DTV5) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 5 (201DTV5) PS Graduate performance
Dramaturgy 6 (201DTV6) PS Bachelor's thesis
Dramaturgy 6 (201DTV6) PS Graduate performance
Directing 1 (201RTO1) PS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 1 (201RTO1) PS Graduate performance
Directing 2 (201RTO2) PS Bachelor's thesis
Directing 2 (201RTO2) PS Graduate performance
Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 (207ZDP1) BS History and theory of dramatic theatre (S201BHTCRD)
Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 (207ZDP2) BS
Directing 1 (201RTO1) PS
Directing 2 (201RTO2) PS
Directing 3 (201RTO3) PS
Directing 4 (201RTO4) PS
Directing 5 (201RTO5) PS
Directing 6 (201RTO6) PS
Dramaturgy 1 (201DTV1) PS
Dramaturgy 2 (201DTV2) PS
Dramaturgy 3 (201DTV3) PS
Dramaturgy 4 (201DTV4) PS
Dramaturgy 5 (201DTV5) PS
Dramaturgy 6 (201DTV6) PS
The History of Czech Theatre 1 (201DVC1) BS
The History of Czech Theatre 2 (201DVC2) BS
Theory and Practice of Dramatic Theatre 1 (201TPI1) BS
Theory and Practice of Dramatic Theatre 2 (201TPI2) BS
Western Theatre History 1 (201DVS1) BS
Western Theatre History 2 (201DVS2) BS
Directing 1 (201RTO1) PS History and theory of directing / dramaturgy (S201BHTORD)
Directing 2 (201RTO2) PS
Directing 3 (201RTO3) PS
Directing 4 (201RTO4) PS
Directing 5 (201RTO5) PS
Directing 6 (201RTO6) PS
Dramaturgy 1 (201DTV1) PS
Dramaturgy 2 (201DTV2) PS
Dramaturgy 3 (201DTV3) PS
Dramaturgy 4 (201DTV4) PS
Dramaturgy 5 (201DTV5) PS
Dramaturgy 6 (201DTV6) PS
Fundamentals of Creativity 1 (201ZTO1) PS
Fundamentals of Creativity 2 (201ZTO2) PS
Theory and Practice of Dramatic Theatre 1 (201TPI1) BS
Theory and Practice of Dramatic Theatre 2 (201TPI2) BS
Theory and Practice of Stage Language 1 (201TPJ1) BS
Theory and Practice of Stage Language 2 (201TPJ2) BS