doc. Mgr. MgA. Lucie HAYASHI, Ph.D.
- Bachelor Preparatory Work 1
- Bachelor Preparatory Work 1
- Bachelor Preparatory Work 2
- Basics of Dance Management 1 (Course guarantor)
- Basics of Dance Management 2 (Course guarantor)
- Basics of Dance Production 1 (Course guarantor)
- Basics of Dance Production 1
- Basics of Dance Production 2 (Course guarantor)
- Basics of Dance Production 2
- Basics of Dance Production and Dramaturgy 2 (Course guarantor)
- Choreology Seminar 1
- Choreology Seminar 2
- Communication and Media 1
- Dance in Asian cultures 1 (Course guarantor)
- Dance Interpretation Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Dance Interpretation Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Dance Interpretation Practice 2
- Dance Research Methodology Seminar 1
- Dance Research Methodology Seminar 2
- Dance workshop
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 1
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 2
- Dissertation and Doctoral Seminar 3
- Financial management and fundraising in dance 1
- Financial management and fundraising in dance 2 (Course guarantor)
- Graduate Preparatory Work 1
- Graduate Preparatory Work 2
- Graduate Preparatory Work 4
- Introduction to Dance Theory 1
- Lectures For Doctoral Students I. 1
- Lectures For Doctoral Students I. 2
- Lectures For Doctoral Students II.
- Master's Seminar - Thesis Preparation 1
- Master's Seminar - Thesis Preparation 2
- Master's Seminar - Thesis Preparation 3
- Performing Arts Management 1
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 1
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 2
- Scientific, artistic and professional activities 3
- Selected Lectures from Systematic Dance Scholarship A1 (Course guarantor)
- Stage Choreography Practice 1
- Stage Choreography Practice 2
- Stage Choreography Practice 3
- Stage Choreography Practice 4
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Zápotocká Eva – Vývoj a profilace souboru Laterny Magiky
- BcA. Matysková Natálie – Taneční produkce
- BcA. Štrachal Jan – Současný tanec v regionech
- MgA. Maroušková Jana – Profil a image tanečníka jako marketingový nástroj
- BcA. Trčková Ester – Nejvýznamnější umělecké rezidence nabízené v oblasti současného tance v České republice
- BcA. Panenková Johana – Pedagogika Čínského klasického tance